RDI was honored to present at the 2019 LGA Fall Conference for local government attorneys in October in Williamsburg, Virginia. Sam and Kym presented a 90-minute session on the practical and ethical reasons why all attorneys need to prepare in advance for eDiscovery. Our CTO Sam Lewis was put to the test with an active audience with lots of questions. “It was a great audience. I was glad to be able to help answer their technical que
stions in a way they could understand and act on.” Our CEO Kym brought a practical perspective to the eDiscovery discussion based on her experience both as a practicing attorney and in-house counsel. “There’s a lot of similarities in being a local government attorney and an in-house counsel. You must embrace #edata, because it is not going away. Putting processes in place early will help to manage cost and better defend or prosecute your cases.” To view the presentation slides, please visit www.researchdata.com/resources.
RDI regularly presents on eDiscovery topics. Let us know if your company, firm or association could benefit from an interactive discussion of #eDiscovery topics.